Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Taiwanese guy
Thinking he was really interested in the lectures I paid no mind the first two days, but after two days of scratching noise I started to pay attention to this strange persona.
He spent the entire day scratching his pen, writing with severe mind focus and strong hand movements, as if he was histericaly taking notes of some fast talking teacher. Tongue out, fixed stare, sweat drops running down his forehead.
His entire notebooks were filled with an odd sequence of numbers with no apparent relation between them, no apparent reason to repeat them, no apparent meaning. Drawing with a thick, large font, he seemed to be trying to put some style in his scratching.
Pen after pen was drained. Set after set of notebooks thrown away. Every single page was filled. Devoted to each an every single number.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Parents Vs PC (or don’t blame the kids)

Friday, April 09, 2010
Maybe it's time to leave and change again?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
para juntar dinero y luego pierden
el dinero para recuperar la Salud….
Y por pensar ansiosamente en el
futuro olvidan el presente, de tal
forma que acaban por no vivir ni
el presente ni el futuro.
Viven como si nunca fuesen a morir
y mueren como si nunca hubiesen vivido.
Refreshing power!
Ingredients for 2½ lt:
1 cup chía seeds
9 cups of water (2 1/4 Liters)
1/3 cup of lime juice
1 cup of sugar*
Leave your chia seeds soaking in water for 2 or 3 hours or until they’re fluffy.
Mix water, lime juice and sugar just as if you were making your favorite ol’ lemonade, add your soaked chia seeds, mix, chill, serve and enjoy!
May feel wierd the first time to have all those funny chia seeds dancing in your mouth, but hey! they’re there for good!
*You can use any other sweetener. Chia seeds will add some flavour and may add some sweet taste to the mix, so you could add the lime juice and chia seeds, and then add sweetener just to taste.
Monday, February 15, 2010
La razón de los negocios
Thursday, February 04, 2010
La miopía de algunos...
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
with you by my side,
come on now, say yes
you know it will be fun,
yes, i know you've been there before.
Friday, January 08, 2010
Hoy he perdido un amigo, uno bueno he de decir. No llevábamos una relación muy cerrada o cercana, pero disfrutaba mucho cada que compartíamos algún momento, por más efímero o escueto que fuera.
Fue mi culpa, insistí en quedarme después de muchas ocasiones que insinuó que me fuera, debí haber respetado e irme hace casi un par de años que lo pidió, pero quise ser egoísta y conservar esta amistad en mi tren.
De ahí en adelante fue tratar de acercarme de n maneras diferentes, y creo que lo último que intenté nomás no fue lo correcto.
No worries, esta vez si te escuché. Es triste, pero ya borré tus datos de mi cel y tus cuentas de mi gmail.
Cuando quieras toparme, ya sabes dónde encontrarme. Y como dice la canción: “que gusto coincidir contigo en esta vida”.